
Refer a case to one of our veterinarians today

Welcome to Pool House Equine Hospital - Referral Services

Excellence As Standard

We offer the same standard of excellence for a range of horses, ponies and donkeys from family owned, competition or business.

Advanced Techniques

State of the art facilities, advanced diagnostics and the latest up to date techniques, delivering the very best outcome of cases.

We’d Love To See You

We encourage all referring vets to come and take a look around our facilities and have a chat with our referral team. If you have any questions regarding the services available to you, just give us a call.

Pool House Equine Hospital is a leading Equine referral hospital based in the heart of the Midlands, just off the A38 on the outskirts of Lichfield.


Our specialists are happy to accept elective and emergency referrals of horses and ponies from Veterinary Surgeons from all over the UK.


Pool House Equine Hospital offers an extensive range of surgical and medical facilities and diagnostics and as such, can accommodate a wide range of referrals. Our teams consist of Internationally recognised surgical and medicine equine specialists with extensive experience and expertise, having national and international reputations, written scientific papers and published in text books and scientific journals. Our specialists are all invited to speak regularly at national and international meetings and teach on continuing education courses for other members of our profession. 

Our hospital is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so your horse will be supervised around the clock. There is always at least one veterinary surgeon on site throughout the night.

Referrals can be made by completing the referral form or with our Hospital Office by calling 01283 799700 during office hours (Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm)

Emergency referrals, out of hours, can be made by calling 01283 799700

Once the form has been received, we will liaise with the relevant specialist department and offer a suitable appointment option and estimate of treatment.

Horse owners who call us directly will be asked to discuss referral with their own veterinary surgeon.

Please see the below for information about our referral services and team.

Our Referral Services



Our Dentistry & Maxiofacial Referral Service is lead by a Royal College and European Specialist in Equine Dentistry.

Diagnostic Imaging

Diagnostic Imaging

Our diagnostic imaging facilities include digital radiography, ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Our internal medicine team accept referrals for further investigation and treatment of complex medical cases

Lameness Investigations

Lameness Investigations

At the hospital our specialists regularly perform lameness and poor performance investigation.

Orthopaedic Surgery

Orthopaedic Surgery

We offer a broad range of orthopaedic procedures such as arthroscopy, neurectomy and fracture repair.

Performance Investigation

Performance Investigation

Our boarded specialists can offer investigations of musculoskeletal, neurological, and upper respiratory diseases.

Farriery Referrals

Farriery Referrals

Grant Moon FWCF (6 x world champion farrier) leads the referral farriery and works closely with our lameness teams.

Rehabilitation Treatments

Rehabilitation Treatments

We are able to offer extracorporeal shockwave treatment and ultrasound therapy both on site and at home.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Soft Tissue Surgery

Our surgical specialists offer a range of soft tissue surgeries, these include surgery of skin, abdomen, eye, urogenital and respiratory systems.

Meet our Specialists
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